2009第六届天马论驾 BG赛车中心车手们夺得最高荣

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BG riders took TOP honors at the 1st Shanghai Tianma Racing Festival;2009第六届天马论驾 BG赛车中心车手们夺得最高荣誉

BG riders took TOP honors at the 1st Shanghai Tianma Racing Festival.

The 2009 1st Shanghai Tianma Circuclt  Racing Festival was held on the 2-3/May/09 weekend.

During the 2008 season, the Tianma Racing Festivals has been growing from strength to Strength attracting more sponsors and motorsports Fans making this racing Festival the 
Most attended race event in the Greater Shanghai region.

 At the race weekend, BG  members Jonathan Dickinson, Felipe Gonzales both in their Suzuki GSXR1000 entered the Tianma SBK Championship.

At the Saturday practice and qualifying, Felipe, being the latest race member of BG and with only limited time on the track, but with his natural born Spanish Motorcycle racing talent was doing extremely well at these session and taking Pole on Sunday抯 main Race.

On Sunday, after a lot of fanfare and a hundred street bike parade at the opening ceremony of the Tianma Racing Festival, the Tianma SBK race was on.


Felipe, while on pole, has never been in a proper race before so his anxiety and nervousness can even be felt with us standing on the Pit wall !!!
When the Red light go off, Felipe, at a moment of over excitement, blotched the start by having too much revs so that the bike got off the line in a big Wheelie and by the time he got control of the bike, Jonathan, with much more Racing starting experience, was calmly leading the pack into the 1st corner and slowly pulling away from the rest.

Jonathan, with the Advance Sadowski training course he抎 taken in Zhuhai earlier in Feb really paying off, he rode a fantastic race with very consistent lap times and by the time Felipe get pass the couple of bikes in front of him and give chase, Jonathan was too far gone to be caught and at Lap 10 of the 12 lap race, one bike crashed and the bike was lying in the track so the Marshalls have to red flagged and stop the race.

The race winner goes to Jonathan with Felipe following in 2nd place.

 17 18

                    Jonathan                                            Felipe

The Tianma Racing Festival was a great event for the drivers and riders in the Central region of China and with the further promotion of BG and our associated, we are looking forward to more and more participates in these events so that more riders can enjoy this sport we all shared a great Passion in.

The next round of the Tianma Racing Festival will be in July and we抣l be looking forward for many more participation of BG riders.

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