Dyna pro 世界专业摩托车马力机制造商之一

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Dyna pro 是世界公认最专业的摩托车马力机制做商之一, 大部分专业摩托赛车集团,摩托车生产厂家和高性能改装店家都指定使用。


Dyna pro 更是极小数马力机品牌有附加实时高速模拟气流进入摩托车气盒增压的设备 (RAM AIR),给你真正的车辆在高转速等于高速度时的准确马力读数,令你更准确调教你车辆的动力和扭力。
        Dyno Pro 马力机更有电磁刹车系统,这将会提供更准确的数据读数和节省大量工作时间。

BG这台马力在等待了3个月后, 终于在今天到了BG北京公司的技术部,BG的英国工程师正在组装这台马力机, 预计在3月初将可以投入使用。

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BG更是英国Dynapro 马力机的大中华的总代理和技术支援中心,如有店家或摩托车赛车队伍或生产工厂有已采用这台马力机,请我们联系,我们可安排你们人员到我们北京技术部进行详细讲解和培训。

联系电话 : 香港/澳门 (852) 9090 0039
中国 : (86) 13928000394

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Dyno pro from UK is recognized as one of the most professional Motorcycle Performance Dynometer machine in the market today and is widely used by many World Pro racing team, Motorcycle manufacturers and High Performance tuning shops all around the world ...
Dyno pro Dyno also has a additional Ram air system that simulates the actual air pressure in the airbox of the motorcycle as the rpm and speed increases so that this will give the operator a most accurate reading of the actual BHP and Torque of the Motorcycle, instead of a Dyno without a actual Ram air system that cannot gave this accurate Ram air pressure so that the engine will actually deliver more power with the higher air pressure flowing into the fuel injection system.
BG's Dyna pro Dyno also comes with the Eddy current brake system that uses the Eddy current to stop the bike on the dyno, this will again give the Dyno a much accurate reading and also save alot of operation time.

BG's Dyno will be operated by our professional engineer from UK and as the Dyna pro Dyno's Greater China importer and distributor, BG's engineer can offer anyone who is interested to get this same Dyno a indepth training seminar so they can operate their own Dyno. machine

The BG Dyno will be set up and running from 10/3/2020 at our Beijing Tech center. interested parties please contact us for more details .

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